Condensed Matter and Quantum Materials

The Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) program is a critical component of research in the School. In terms of outside recognition, Ph.D. production, and research funding, the CMP group has played a major role in establishing the reputation of the School. It ranked No. 18 in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. The core strength of the CMP group has been in fabricating and understanding unique nanostructured materials, whereas in recent years, the strength has shifted to “quantum materials” such as new generation epitaxial graphene, topological insulators and semimetals, and quantum spin liquids. The CMP has and still actively collaborates with many units within the Institute, including Chemistry & Biochemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Faculty Members

Dragomir Davidovic

Dragomir Davidovic

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Mesoscopic Physics & Low Temperature Physics

Walter de Heer

Walter de Heer

Regents' Professor

Research Interests: NPEG: Nano Patterned Epitaxial Graphene, Nanoclusters in Beams

Chunhui Du

Chunhui Du

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Quantum materials characterization and hybrid device engineering and design

Phillip First

Phillip First


Research Interests: Developing an understanding of solid-state systems at atomic length scales

Chandra Raman

Chandra Raman


Research Interests: Bose-Einstein condensation and quantum atomic sensors

Zhigang Jiang

Zhigang Jiang


Research Interests: Quantum transport and infrared optical properties of condensed matter systems, including graphene, topological insulators, Dirac/Weyl semimetals, quantum magnets, and band-engineered narrow-gap materials.

Itamar Kimchi

Itamar Kimchi

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Theory of quantum matter: We use analytics and numerics to study entanglement in real quantum materials and designer quantum systems.

Martin Maldovan

Martin Maldovan

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Thermal Energy and Mass Transport at the Nanoscale Metamaterials Physics of Photonic and Phononic Materials

Uzi Landman

Uzi Landman

Regents' & Institute Professor

Research Interests: Surface and Materials Science, Solid State Physics, Nanoscience

Martin Mourigal

Martin Mourigal

Elwood P. Blanchard Associate Professor

Research Interests: collective electronic and magnetic phenomena in quantum materials

Colin Parker

Colin Parker

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Quantum simulation of strongly correlated electron systems using ultracold atoms. Atomic defects in solid state media.

Michael Pustilnik

Michael Pustilnik

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Transport and correlations in low-dimensional quantum systems

Carlos Sa de Melo

Carlos Sa de Melo


Research Interests: Theoretical condensed matter and ultra-cold atomic and molecular physics: Superconductors, quantum magnets, superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates.

Carlos Silva

Carlos Silva


Research Interests: Photoexcitation dynamics in advanced materials, ultrafast spectroscopic techniques, and quantum-mechanical light properties

Hailong Wang

Hailong Wang

Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Synthesis of functional quantum materials, Spin transport and dynamics in quantum materials and devices, Spin qubit magnetometry, Hybrid quantum devices

Xueda Wen

Xueda Wen


Research Interests: Theortical physics: Non-equilibrium physics, Connection between quantum many-body physics and quantum information science

Chaebin Kim

Chaebin Kim


Research Interests: Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Materials, Magnetic materials, Kitaev model, Magnetic frustration, Neutron scattering, X-ray scattering, Sample synthesis