An undergraduate degree from the School of Physics is a window to an incredible world of exploration and application. The School of Physics offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics, Applied Physics and Astrophysics.
The undergraduate physics degree is broad based with an initial emphasis on core topics such as classical and quantum mechanics, thermal physics, and electromagnetism. This is followed by a range of more specialized courses including atomic, solid state, optical, nuclear and particle physics; biophysics, astrophysics, computational physics and relativity. Applied physics students add several lab courses to put their physics training into practice. Both majors allow for an optional concentration in the physics of living systems.
The astrophysics major provides comprehensive and rigorous training in the fundamental processes and laws that govern planetary systems, stars, galaxies, and the Universe. In addition to these core topics, the degree includes training in computational techniques and data analysis that can be applied to a variety of disciplines.
General inquiries can be sent to academicoffice@physics.gatech.edu. More detailed information can be found in the following sections.