Contact Information
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- (404) 385-3753
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- Howey
- Research Group

Martin Maldovan
Associate Professor
Thermal Energy and Mass Transport at the Nanoscale Metamaterials Physics of Photonic and Phononic Materials
Periodic Materials and Interference Lithography: for Photonics, Phononics, and Mechanics Maldovan M. and Thomas E. L. Wiley OCT 2008
28. Ordered Polymer Structures for the Engineering of Photons and Phonons
Lee J-H, Koh C. Y., Singer J. P., Jeon S. J., Maldovan M., Stein O. and Thomas E. L.
Advanced Materials 26 (4): 532-568 JAN 2014
27. Sound and Heat Revolutions in Phononics
Maldovan M.
Nature 503 (7475): 209-217 NOV 14 2013
26. Narrow Low-Frequency Spectrum and Heat Management by Thermocrystals
Maldovan M.
Physical Review Letters 110 (2): 025902 JAN 9 2013
25. Transition between Ballistic and Diffusive Heat Transport Regimes in Silicon Materials
Maldovan M.
Applied Physics Letters 101 (11): 113110 SEP 10 2012
24. Thermal Conductivity of Semiconductor Nanowires from Micro-to-Nano Length Scales
Maldovan M.
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2): 024311 JAN 15 2012
23. Thermal Energy Transport Model for Micro-toNanograin Polycrystalline Semiconductors
Maldovan M.
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (11): 114310 DEC 1 2011
22. Micro-to-Nano Scale Thermal Energy Conduction in Semiconductor Thin Films
Maldovan M.
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (3): 034308 AUG 1 2011
21. Book
Periodic Materials and Interference Lithography: for Photonics, Phononics, and Mechanics
Maldovan M. and Thomas E. L.
Wiley OCT 2008
20. Sub-Micrometer Scale Periodic Porous Cellular Structures
Maldovan M., Ullal C. K., Jang J-H., and Thomas E. L.
Advanced Materials 19 (22): 3809-3813 NOV 19 2007
19. 3D Micro and Nanostructures via Interference Lithography
Jang J-H., Ullal C. K., Maldovan M., Gorishnyy T., Kooi S., Koh C., and Thomas E. L.
Advanced Functional Materials 17 (16): 3027-3041 NOV 5 2007
18. Phononics: Colloidal Crystals go Hypersonic
Thomas E. L., Gorishnyy T. and Maldovan M.
Nature Materials 5 (10): 773-774 OCT 2006
17. Simultaneous Localization of Photons and Phonons in Two-dimensional Periodic Structures
Maldovan M., and Thomas E. L.
Applied Physics Letters 88 (25): 251907 JUN 19 2006
16. Simultaneous Complete Elastic and Electromagnetic Band Gaps in Periodic Structures
Maldovan M., and Thomas E. L.
Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics 83 (4): 595-600 JUN 2006
15. Assembly of Wiseana Iridovirus: Viruses for Colloidal Photonic Crystals
Juhl S. B., Chan E. P., Ha Y-H, Maldovan M, et al.
Advance Functional Materials 16 (8): 1086-1094 MAY 19 2006
14. Sound Ideas
Goryshnyy T., Maldovan M., Ullal C. K. and Thomas E. L.
Physics World 18 (12): 24-29 DEC 2005
13. Hypersonic Phononic Crystals
Gorishnyy T., Ullal C. K., Maldovan M., et al.
Physical Review Letters 94 (11): 115501 MAR 25 2005
12. Photonic Crystals: Six Connected Dielectric Networks with Simple Cubic Symmetry
Maldovan M. and Thomas E. L.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics 22 (2): 466-473 FEB 2005
11. Diamond-Structured Photonic Crystals
Maldovan M. and Thomas E. L.
Nature Materials 3 (9): 593-600 SEP 2004
10. Layer-by-Layer Photonic Crystal with a Repeating Two-Layer Sequence
Maldovan M.
Applied Physics Letters 85 (6): 911-913 AUG 9 2004
9. Photonic Crystals Through Holographic Lithography: Simple Cubic, Diamond-like, and Gyroid-like Structures
Ullal C. K., Maldovan M., Thomas E. L., et al.
Applied Physics Letters 84 (26): 5434-5436 JUN 28 2004
8. Layer-by-Layer Diamond-like Woodpile Structure with a Large Photonic Band Gap
Maldovan M., Thomas E. L., and Carter W. C.
Applied Physics Letters 84 (3): 362-364 JAN 19 2004
7. Three-Dimensional Dielectric Network Structures with Large Photonic Band Gaps
Maldovan M., Carter W. C., and Thomas E. L.
Applied Physics Letters 83 (25): 5172-5174 DEC 22 2003
6. Exploring for 3D Photonic Bandgap Structures in the 11 f.c.c. Space Groups
Maldovan M., Ullal C. K., Carter W. C., et al.
Nature Materials 2 (10): 664-667 OCT 2003
5. Validation of the effective-medium approximation for the dielectric permittivity of oriented nanoparticle-filled
materials: effective permittivity for dielectric nanoparticles in multilayer photonic composites
Maldovan M., Bockstaller M. R., Thomas E. L., et al.
Applied Physics B - Lasers and Optics 76 (8): 877-884 JUL 2003
4. Triply Periodic Bicontinuous Structures Through Interference Lithography: A Level-Set Approach
Ullal C. K., Maldovan M., Wohlgemuth M., et al.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image Science and Vision 20 (5): 948-954 MAY 2003
3. Bicontinuous Cubic Block Copolymer Photonic Crystals
Urbas A. M., Maldovan M., DeRege P., et al.
Advanced Materials 14 (24): 1850-1853 DEC 17 2002
2. Photonic Properties of Bicontinuous Cubic Microphases
Maldovan M., Urbas A. M., Yufa N., et al.
Physical Review B 65 (16): Art. No. 165123 APR 15 2002
1. Simulation of Isothermal Fission Gas Release - An Analytical Solution
Maldovan M., Denis A., & Piotrkowski R.
Nuclear Engineering and Design 187 (3): 327-337 MAR 1999