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Sachin Venkatesh Thakku Saravana
Graduate Student
B.Tech in Engineering Physics, Delhi Technological University (2022)
- minor in Space and Atmospheric sciences
Computational astrophysics & Machine learning - Galaxy formation and evolution, Large scale structure, Black holes
- Shubham Bhardwaj, Maria G Dainotti, **Sachin Venkatesh**, Aditya Narendra, Anish Kalsi, Enrico Rinaldi, Agnieszka Pollo, "GRB optical and X-ray plateau properties classifier using unsupervised machine learning", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 525, Issue 4, November 2023, Pages 5204–5223 (
- "PERISTOLE: Package That Generates Time Delay Plots Caused by Gravitational Lensing" T. S. Sachin Venkatesh and Gaurav Pundir 2022 Res. Notes AAS 6 255 (https:/
- Venkatesh et al. "A Comparative Study of Various Deep Learning Techniques for Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Forced Isotropic Turbulent Flows." Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 10: Fluids Engineering (