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- (404) 894-5223
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- Howey N010
- Research Group

Michael Chapman
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1995
Contemporary quantum mechanics, manipulating the quantum behavior of single atoms and photons
- “Coherent spin dynamics in a spin-1 Bose condensates,” M.-S. Chang, Q. Qin, W. Zhang, L.You, and M. S. Chapman, arxiv:cond-mat/0509431 to appear in Nature Physics.
- “Dynamical instability and domain formation in a spin-1 Bose condensate,” W. Zhang, D.L. Zhou, M.-S. Chang, M.S. Chapman and L. You, arxiv:cond-mat/0509549 to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.
- “Coherent Spin Mixing Dynamics in a Spin-1 Atomic Condensate,” W. Zhang, D. L. Zhou, M.-S. Chang, M.S. Chapman, and L. You, Phys. Rev. A 72, 013602 (2005).
- “Cavity QED with optically transported atoms,” J.A. Sauer, K.M. Fortier, M.-S. Chang, C.D. Hamley, and M.S. Chapman, Phys. Rev. A, 69, 051804(R) (2004).
- “Atom-photon entanglement and distribution," B. Sun, M.S. Chapman, and L. You, Phys. Rev. A, 69, 042316 (2004).
- “Observation of spinor dynamics in optically trapped 87Rb Bose-Einstein Condensates,” M.-S. Chang, C. D. Hamley, M.D. Barrett, J.A. Sauer, K.M. Fortier, W. Zhang, L. You, and M.S. Chapman, Phys. Rev. Lett, 92, 140403 (2004).
- “Storage ring for neutral atoms”, J.A. Sauer, M.D. Barrett, and M.S. Chapman, Phys. Rev. Lett, 87, 270401 (2001).
- “All-optical formation of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate”, M.D. Barrett, J.A. Sauer, and M.S. Chapman, Phys. Rev. Lett, 87, 010404 (2001).
- “Quantum entanglement using atomic spins”, L. You, and M.S. Chapman, Phys. Rev. A, 62, 052302 (2000).
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