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Don S. Harmer
Professor Emeritus
Neutrino detection, neutrino radiography, studies of the mechanisms of surface coating in blood vessels, reactor physics, computer aided experimentation, use of computers in classroom and laboratory instruction. Computer interfacing and "online" data acquisition and control.
Post Doctoral Fellow, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 1956-1959
Associate Research Professor, Georgia Tech, 1959-1967
Professor of Physics, 1967-1996
Professor Emeritus, 1996
Other Publications
- "A Survey Beta-Ray Spectrometer and the Radioactive Properties of Nd141," Doctoral Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, Sept. 1956.
- "Programming Digital Register for Automatic Counting Plots," Nucleonics 15, 5, 102 (1957).
- "Study of the K-Capture Positron Ratio of the Transition 126I(2-) 126Te(2+)," with M. L. Perlman, Phys. Rev. 114, 1133 (1959).
- "An Attempt to Observe the 37Cl( ,e-)37Ar Reaction Induced by Reactor Antineutrinos," with R. Davis, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 4, 217 (1959).
- "Matrix Elements of First-Forbidden Transitions and K/b + Ratios," with M. L. Perlman, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 4, 229 (1959).
- "A Univac Program for the Analysis of Radioactive Decay Curves," Brookhaven National Laboratory Report BNL 544 (T-141), Associated Universities, Inc., under AEC Contract, March (1959).
- "Ionization Cross Sections for Protons on Hydrogen Gas in the Energy Range 0.15-1.10 MeV," with others, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. II 5, 413 (1960).
- "Some Considerations Concerning the Nuclear Matrix Element ?U?xBij?x2 in Beta-Decay," with M. L. Perlman, Phys. Rev. 122, 218 (1961).
- "Ionization Cross Sections for Protons on Hydrogen Gas in the Energy Range 0.15-1.10 MeV," with others, Phys. Rev. 121, 1123 (1961).
- "Ionization Cross Sections for Protons Incident on He, Ne, Ar, H2, N2, O2, and CO in the Energy Range 0.15 to 1.10 MeV," with others, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York (1961).
- "M-Shell, Relativistic Electronic Wave Functions," with H. R. Brewer and D. H. Hay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 7, 319 (1961).
- "Radial Solutions of the Dirac Equation for M-hell Electrons," with H. R. Brewer and D. H. Hay, Amer. Doc. Inst. Document No. 6855 (1961).
- "The Ionization by H+ Ions in the Energy Range 0.15-1.1 MeV," Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Munich, 1961, Vol. I, 60, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam (1962).
- "Comparison of Electron and Proton Ionization Data with the Born Approximation Predictions," with others, Phys. Rev. 125, 2000 (1962).
- "Summary of Results for Fast Helium Ions," with R. A. Langley and others, Ionization and Charge Transfer Cross Section, Technical Report No. 15, Georgia Institute of Technology, TID-19296, 1 June (1963).
- "Mobilities of Mass-Identified Ions in Nitrogen," with others, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris (1963), Vol. I, 295 (published by SERMA).
- "Production of Slow Electrons and Positive Ions in He, Ne, Ar, H2, N2, O2, and CO by Energetic Helium Ions," with others, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, London (1963), TID-19137, p. 679, published by North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1964).
- "ALGOL Programs NE-1 and NE-2 for Reactivity Step Calculations," Technical Report No. NE-1, Nuclear Engineering Series, Georgia Institute of Technology (1963).
- "Coating of Vascular Surfaces and Cells. A New Concept in Prevention of Intravascular Thrombosis," with others, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 115, 384-386 (1964).
- "Cross Sections for Ion and Electron Production in Gases by Fast Helium Ions (0.033-1.0 MeV). I. Experimental," with others, Phys. Rev. 136, 2A, A379-A385, 19 October (1964).
- "Cross Sections for Ion and Electron Production in Gases by Fast Helium Ions (0.133-1.0 MeV). II. Comparison with Theory," with others, Phys. Rev. 136, 2A, A385-A392, 19 October (1964).
- "Solar Neutrinos," with Raymond Davis, Jr., Presented at the 2nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Austin Texas, December (1964).
- "Solar Neutrino Detection by the 37Cl - 37Ar Method," with Raymond Davis, Jr., Presented at the Conference on Experimental Neutrino Physics, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 January (1965).
- "The Determination of Effective Delayed Neutron and Photoneutron Kinetics Parameters in a Highly Enriched Heavy-Water Reactor," with others, Technical Report No. NE-3, Nuclear Engineering Series, Georgia Institute of Technology (1965).
- "Electrical Thrombosis of Blood Vessels: A Voltage-Dependent Phenomenon," with others, Amer. J. of Phys. 208, 1006 (1965).
- "Kinetics Parameters of a Highly Enriched Heavy Water Reactor," with others, Technical Report No. NE-5, Nuclear Engineering Series, Georgia Institute of Technology (1965).
- "Neutrinos von der Sonne," with Raymond Davis, Jr., Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik Heft 2, 66, Jahrgang, 56 (1966).
- "Accurate Delayed Neutron Parameters in a Heavy Water Reactor," with W. W. Graham and C. E. Cohn, Am. Nucl. Soc. 9, 2 (1966).
- "Accurate Delayed Neutron Parameters in a Heavy Water Reactor," with W. W. Graham and C. E. Cohn, Nucl. Sci. & Engr. 38, 33 (1969).
- "Effects of Dextran on Fibrinogen-Fibrin Compared with other Colloids," Paper Presented at the Conference of the International Society of Hemotology, Athens, Greece, September (1967).
- "The Brookhaven Solar Neutrino Experiment," with R. Davis, Jr., K. C. Hoffman, and N. B. Munhofen, Amer. Chem. Soc. Abs. R62, 154th ACS Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, September (1967).
- "Measurement by Two-Dimensional Pulse Analysis of the Time and Energy Distributions of After Pulses in Proportional Counters," with H. Genz and R. W. Fink, Nucl. Inst. & Meth.60, 195 (1968).
- "Selected Biomedical Applications of Thermal Neutron Radiography," with J. J. Allen, Proc. Seventh Annual Biomedical Instrumentation Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19-21 May (1969).
- "Problems of Fast Neutron Radiography," with P. B. Parks and M. Brown, Proc. Seventh Annual Biomedical Instrumentation Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19-21 May (1969).
- "Theoretical Modulation Transfer Functions and Dosimetry for Fast Neutron Radiography," with W. H. Wilkie, Proc. Seventh Annual Biomedical Instrumentation Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 19-21 May (1969).
- "Search for Neutrinos from the Sun," with R. Davis, Jr. and K. C. Hoffman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 20, 1025 (1968).
- "Education and the 'Hands-On' Approach to Computer Interfacing," with W. W. Graham, III and J. C. Alderman, 1970 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlantic City, New Jersey, May (1970).
- "The Need for Computer Technology in Engineering Educations," Proceedings of the 1970 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Houston, Texas, November (1970).
- "Hands On Learning of Computer Technology," with W. W. Graham, III and J. C. Alderman, Engineering Education 61, 365, January (1971).
- "On Line Computers in the Classroom," Minipapers of the 1971 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlanta, Georgia, May (1971).
- "Experiments in Logic Design and Computer Interfacing," with W. W. Graham, III and J. C. Alderman, Jr., Textbook, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, May (1971).
- "An Introductory Course in Computer Technology and Interfacing," Invited Paper, Division of Chemical Instrumentation, 162nd American Chemical Society Meeting, Washington, D. C., September (1971).
- "Imaging with Scattered Neutrons: An Alternate to Neutron Radiography for Thick Objects," with J. J. Allen, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 14, 2, 534, 1971 Winter Meeting, Miami, Florida, October (1971).
- "A Simulator for the PDP-8 Positive Logic I/O Bus," Proceedings of the 1971 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Francisco, California, p. 223, November (1971).
- "FOCL/F--An Extended Version of 8K FOCAL-69," with D. E. Wrege, Proceedings of the 1972 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, p. 209, May (1972).
- "STATPAC-12, A Package of Educational and Utility Programs for Statistics, Data Reduction and Error Analysis," with D. Y. Pitts and S. Hobbs, Proceedings of the 1972 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, p. 213, May (1972).
- "An On-Line Minicomputer in the Nuclear Engineering Classroom," with W. W. Graham, III, Proceedings of the 1972 Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula, Southern Regional Educational Board, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 265, June (1972).
- "An Experimental Study of Certain Cosmic Ray Interactions," with T. P. Lang and C. T. Brown, Technical Report NR3-B, Contract NOOOO30-72-C-0073, Georgia Institute of Technology, July (1972).
- "Linc-8 Memory Expansion with a 8/F as Virtual Memory or Using a LINC-8 as a Peripheral Controller," with D. E. Wrege and D. K. Corbett, Minipapers of the 1972 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Anaheim, California, December (1972).
- "FOCL/F Revisited," with D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1972 Fall Symposium of the Digita Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Anaheim, California, December (1972).
- "Adding the PDP-8/E 600x Instructions to the PDP?12," with D. C. Richard and D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1972 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Anaheim, California, December (1972).
- "Small Computer Use in Nuclear Reactor Design Courses," with J. H. Rust and D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1972 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May (1973).
- "A Dual Processor System for Expansion of the PDP8/12 or LINC-8," with D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1973 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May (1973).
- "The Role of Computer Networks in Education," invited paper, 1973 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May (1973).
- "Simple Modifications to Provide Interrupt Enable for DF?32 Disc and Teletype on a PDP8/I," with W. Barnes, Proceedings of the 1973 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Francisco, California, p. 241, November (1973).
- "A Mini-Computer Program for Evaluating Rankine Cycles Using Steam Tables," with R. Preston, R. W. Carlson, and D. E. Wrege, 1973 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Francisco, California, p. 279, November (1973).
- "Computer Technology Lecture/Laboratory Curricula and Materials," with A. Mobray, Minipapers of the 1974 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May (1974).
- "SPACEWAR--A Tool for Teaching Assembler Programming, Operating Systems, and Real-Time Programming," with D. E. Wrege, Proceedings of the 1974 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, p. 153, May (1974).
- "The Use of Interactive Graphics in Engineering Thermodynamics," with R. W. Carlson, J. H. Rust, and D. E. Wrege, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, p. 447, June (1974).
- "Interactive Mini-Computer Aided Demonstrations of Thermodynamic Cycle Characteristics," with R. W. Carlson, J. H. Rust, and D. E. Wrege, Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 18, 13, June (1974).
- "An Integrated System for Teaching Computer Technology," Proceedings of the 1974 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Diego, California, November (1974).
- "N-User Time Sharing with N + 1 Computers," with D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1975 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Miami, Florida, April (1975).
- "A Workshop for the Traditional 8-Family Machines," with D. E. Wrege and R. J. Reed, Minipapers of the 1975 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Miami, Florida, April (1975).
- "Adding I/O Pause and IOT0/ to the I/O Bus of Traditional Machines," Minipapers of the 1975 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Miami, Florida, April (1975).
- "Techniques for Teaching Real-Time Multitasking in an Introductory Software Course," with D. E. Wrege, Minipapers of the 1975 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Miami, Florida, April (1975).
- "Minicomputers in Nuclear Engineering Education," Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 22, 1, 288, an invited paper, Conference on Effective Use of Computers in the Nuclear Industry, SanFrancisco, California, November (1975).
- "Executive Calls via Instruction Traps on the PDP-8," Minipapers of the 1976 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlanta, Georgia, May (1976).
- "Low Energy Experiment to Measure a Weak Coupling of the Neutrino Current," with T. P. Lang and others, Project B-461, EES/GIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, January (1977).
- "Applications of a GT-42 Display System for Classroom Interactive Graphics in Nuclear Engineering," with R. Carlson, Minipapers of the 1977 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May-June (1977).
- "Multiplexing a Line-Printer to Several Small Computers," with J. E. Cagle, Proceedings of the 1977 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Boston, Massachusetts, May-June (1977).
- "Multi-Machine Peripheral Access via Asynchronous Communication Lines," with D. G. Henderson, Proceedings of the 1977 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Diego, California, November 28 - December 1 (1977).
- "Revisions of Decsystem-8 for OS/8 V3D and OS78," with W. H. Topliss, Minipapers of the 1978 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Chicago, Illinois, April 25-28 (1978).
- "A Low Energy Experiment To Measure a Weak Coupling of the Neutrino Current," with T. P. Lang and others, Project B-484 EES/GIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, June (1978).
- "The Weak Neutral Current: A Reactor Neutrino Experiment to Determine the Axial Vector Coupling Constant," with R. M. Ahrens, F. T. Avignone et al., Neutrinos -78, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neutrino, Physics and Astrophysics, Purdue, edited by E. C. Fowler (Purdue University Press, W. Lafayette, Indiana, (1978)).
- "Current Status and Plans for Dec System 8/78," Minipapers of the 1978 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Francisco, California, November 27-30 (1978).
- "New Upgrades to Dec System 8/78," Presentations of the 1979 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), New Orleans, Louisiana, April (1979).
- "FOCAL/F V9D, Revisions to FOCAL for OS/8 and Dec System - 8/78," Presentation at the 1979 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), New Orleans, Louisiana, April (1979).
- "Simple Modifications to Allow Switchable BAUD Rates on PDP-8's," Presentation at the 1979 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), New Orleans, Louisiana, April (1979).
- "Additions to Dec System 8/78," Presentation at the 1980 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Diego, California, November (1980).
- "Eight-Net, A Simple Communications System for OS/8 Systems," Presentation at the 1980 Fall Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), San Diego, California, November (1980).
- "A Review of Dec System 8/78 in 1982 Updates and Revisions for OS/8V3D and OS/78," Minipapers of the 1982 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlanta, Georgia, May (1982).
- "Using Communications Links to Network OS/8 Systems Together," with Robin Cutshaw, Minipapers of the 1982 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlanta, Georgia, May (1982).
- "Additional User Utilities for OS/8 and Dec System - 8," with Robin Cutshaw, Minipapers of the 1982 Spring Symposium of the Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society (DECUS), Atlanta, Georgia, May (1982).
- "The Solar Neutrino Experiment: The Early Days," Invited Paper at the Conference on Solar Neutrinos and Neutrino Astronomy, Homeslake, Lead, S. D., Nov. 1984).
- "High-Speed Parallel Data Bus for Interfacing Dedicated Laboratory Computers to a Personal Computer", with Randy E. Pepper. Paper presented at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March 6-10, 1989, Atlanta, GA.
- "High-Speed Parallel Data Bus for Interfacing Computers. U.S. Patent Application No. 07/309,255. February 10, 1989 (with R. E. Pepper and R. J. Samuels).