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Constantine Yannouleas
Senior Research Scientist
Ph.D. in Nuclear Theory, 1982, University of Maryland at College Park
Honors & Awards
American Physical Society Outstanding Referee (2012).
Member of Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (June 2015 - March 2021).
I am a Senior Research Scientist at the School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology. I have carried out theoretical research in the area of small, finite size systems at the intersection of Atomic and Molecular physics (trapped ultracold atoms and ions), Condensed Matter Physics (quantum dots, metal clusters, and graphene nanostructures), quantum chemical methods applied outside traditional Chemistry (unrestricted Hartree-Fock, Configuration Interaction), and Nuclear Many-Body Physics (second RPA and methodology of symmetry breaking and restoration). My current projects: Wigner molecules and strong correlations in ultracold-atom harmonic traps and lattices, quantum-dot solid-state qubits, and TMD moire superlattices.
The Personal Site in the Contact-Information box provides detailed information.
Last updated: February 04, 2024