Contact Information

Alex Warhover
Missouri University of Science and Technology 2020, GPA 4.0/4.0
- B.S. in Physics
- B.S. in Computer Science
- Minor in Mathematics
My main interest is in using computational methods to analyze complex models of nonlinear systems. I also have interests in several other fields of physics, as well as in machine learning interpretability.
Thomas Vojta and Alex Warhover Probability density of fractional Brownian motion and the fractional Langevin equation with absorbing walls J. Stat. Mech. 2021, 033215 (2021), arXiv:2012.03142
A. H. O. Wada, A. Warhover and T. Vojta, Non-Gaussian behavior of reflected fractional Brownian motion, J. Stat. Mech. 2019, 033209 (2019), arXiv:1811.06130
Talks & Presentations
A. Warhover and T. Vojta, Anomalous Diffusion with an Absorbing Wall, APS March Meeting, Denver (2 Mar 2020, virtual meeting because of Covid-19)
A. Warhover and T. Vojta, Fractional Brownian Motion with an absorbing wall, APS March Meeting, Boston (6 Mar 2019)