Contact Information
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- Howey C-205
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- Research Group

Simon Sponberg
Dunn Family Associate Professor of Physics and Biological Sciences
Ph.D. in Integrative Biology, UC, Berkeley 2008
B.A. in Physics, Lewis & Clark College, 2002
B.A. in Biology, Lewis & Clark College, 2002
Honors & Awards
NSF CAREER Award (2016)
Class of 1969 Faculty Teaching Fellow (2016)
Young Investigator Award, International Society for Neuroethology (2014)
Postdoctoral Mentoring Award -- University of Washington (2013)
Paper of the Year -- Journal of Experimental Biology (2012)
Hertz Foundation Fellowship (2002-2007) and Outstanding Dissertation Honorable Mention (2007)
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award (2007)
Heiligenberg Award—International Society for Neuroethology (2007)
Apker Award Finalist -- American Institute of Physics (2002)
Neuromechancis, Locomotor Control, Multiscale Physics of Muscle, Maneuverability, Computational Neuroscience
For publications please refer to the Sponberg Lab website: Publications
For more information visit the lab's research website.
For opportunities to join the Sponberg Lab go here
Memberships & Committees
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) -- Divisions of Comparative Biomechanics (DCB), Neurobiology (DNB), and Invertebrate Zoology (DIZ).
American Physical Soceity (APS)
International Society for Neuroethology (ISN)
Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
Phi Beta Kappa
Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics Honors Soceity)