Heavy Quark Physics at Kennesaw State University

School of Physics Colloquium

School of Physics Colloquium: Prof. David Joffe, Kennesaw State University

Kennesaw State University is a member institution in the Belle and Belle II experiments based at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. Both Belle and Belle II focus on the physics of heavy quarks (bottom and charm) and KSU is involved in searches for rare decays of these quarks which probe the off-diagonal elements of the CKM matrix. Our KSU group is also involved in developing machine learning techniques for particle identification as well as distributed computing for Belle II. In both physics analysis and software development our group seeks to develop undergraduate researchers and works with our national laboratory partners to allow KSU students to participate in the Department of Energy SULI summer internship program. This talk will be an introduction to the work of our group in terms of both physics analysis and software development, as well as student participation.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Monday, November 21, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

For More Information Contact

Andy Zangwill