Clocks and precise measurements with ultracold molecules

Atomic spectroscopy has long been a cornerstone of our understanding of the physical world, with advances driven by ever-increasing precision.

Tanya Zelevinsky graduated from MIT in physics and math, and received her physics PhD at Harvard University where her thesis work involved precise spectroscopy of helium atoms for testing QED and measuring the fine structure constant.  She came to Columbia University in 2008, after spending a few years building and improving the optical lattice atomic clock at JILA in Boulder, Colorado.  Her current research interests involve precision measurements via state-of-the-art optical spectroscopy and quantum manipulation of diatomic molecules.  Her group uses laser light to create ultracold molecules trapped in an optical lattice.  Lattice-clock style spectral resolution then allows quantum control of the molecules, leading to studies of molecular quantum physics and ultracold chemistry.  Her lab also explores ways to directly cool molecules in order to manipulate and study them.  An exciting future possibility is to apply the ultracold photodissociation technique developed earlier by her group in order to produce exotic ultracold gases for a variety of scientific applications.  T. Z. is also collaborating with University of Chicago / Argonne and University of Massachusetts to use cold diatomic molecules in combination with optical and microwave techniques to measure time-reversal symmetry violation in atomic nuclei (the Cold Molecule Nuclear Time Reversal Experiment, or CENTREX).

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Howey Physics Building, Room W401