The Georgia Tech Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE) is a premier national research and educational resource center that creates flexible organic photonic and electronic materials and devices that serve the information technology, telecommunications, energy, and defense sectors. In 2011, Physics graduate student Keith Carroll received a COPE award. Keith is a graduate student in Professor Jennifer Curtis's lab , and collaborates with Profs. Elisa Riedo's and Seth Marder's labs.
COPE creates the opportunity for disruptive technologies by developing new materials with emergent properties and by providing new paradigms for device design and fabrication. Keith’s research focuses on the development and applications of thermochemical nanolithography. The aim is to improve current capabilities with respect to resolution, speed, and versatility. The ultimate intent is to open the technique to a number of applications ranging from biophysics to electronics.
COPE Awards help enable a new generation of devices and systems that meet the challenges that these sectors and our ever-changing society face in this decade and the future.