The surface of eukaryotic cells is covered with a dense layer of glycans that affect numerous physiological processes and aberrant cell-surface glycosylation has been implicated in cancer, inflammation and other diseases. Using a combination of metabolically labeled glycans with bioorthogonal click reactions, we implement single molecule tracking and super-resolution imaging of cell-surface glycans on live cells. We have developed a form of confocal interference microscopy, based upon laser feedback interferometry, to simultaneously measure the topography of the membrane.
We seek to experimentally verify the predictions of our model of energetics that govern the nucleation, growth and disassembly of integrin adhesions in the presence of long glycan molecules. Our experimental approach has enabled the visualization of dynamic tunneling nanotubes connections between cells and the tracking of glycosylated receptors along the surface of these membranes.
Event Details
Date:Tuesday, November 20, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Klaus 1116 East
For More Information Contact
Prof. Jennifer Curtis