School of Physics CRA Seminar - Prof. Vasileios Paschalidis

CRA Seminar | Prof. Vasileios Paschalidis | University of Arizona | Host: Prof. Tamara Bogdanovic

Speaker: Prof. Vasileios Paschalidis

Host: Prof. Tamara Bogdanovic

Title: Probing neutron star physics via multimessenger astronomy


In this talk I will review recent work that allowed us to obtain a better understanding of the neutronstar equation of state and neutron star properties by use of multimessenger observations of (binary) neutron stars.I will also discuss recent and current efforts of modeling binary neutron stars mergers that will help enable constraints on the unknown finite temperature nuclear equation of state by use of third generation gravitational wave observatories.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Gilbert Boggs Building Rm B1-44