Title: Chiral superconductivity in twisted Cuprates
Abstract: Cuprates — superconductors (SC) with high critical temperature (Tc) — are prominent examples of strongly correlated systems. The emerging fields of Moire systems, where 2 crystalline patterns interfere to form a long period modulation, meanwhile shed new light on strong correlation physics. In this colloquium I will describe a gapless chiral superconductor, arising from symmetry constraints, in Moire cuprate systems.
Twisted cuprates hold promise for high Tc topological SC, with potential implications for quantum computing. While previous predictions are based on simple weakly interacting models, here we examine the vital role played by realistic aspects and strong correlations and report a gapless chiral SC. We discuss signatures which are being studied in ongoing experiments. Alternate routes towards topological SC and other directions in Moire systems will be discussed.
Bio: Xue-Yang Song obtained her PhD in theoretical condensed matter in 2021, working with Ashvin Vishwanath and is currently a Moore postdoctoral fellow at MIT. She studies strongly correlated matter that shows emergent quantum phenomena like fractionally charged excitations and high-temperature superconductivity. She is interested in both developing formal theories and making concrete connections to realistic solid state or synthetic systems. Besides physics, she enjoys cycling and playing with her cat.
Event Details
Date:Monday, January 30, 2023 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
For More Information Contact
Martin Mourigal