School of Physics CM/AMO/GTRI Seminar - Prof. Tanya Zelevinsky

Clocks and precise measurements with ultracold molecules

Atomic spectroscopy has long been a cornerstone of our understanding of the physical world, with advances driven by ever-increasing precision.  The level of precision entered a new realm with the advent of laser cooling and trapping techniques.  Now we can extend the ultrahigh spectroscopic precision, or atomic clock technology, to more complex quantum particles such as diatomic molecules.  The ability to quantify molecular degrees of freedom, for example nuclear vibrations, with nearly atomic-clock level precision shines a light on their previously unseen properties.  Furthermore, it suggests possibilities to utilize the high precision for uncovering fundamental aspects of physical interactions, including improved tests of Newtonian gravity at the nanometer scale.  Additional scientific applications of cold diatomic molecules will also be explored.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Howey Building W401