Ever wonder what it would be like to live and work at one of the coldest, most remote places on Earth? James Casey and Martin Wolf can tell you all about it. They are adjusting to life in more moderate conditions after thirteen months operating the biggest and strangest telescope in the world, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole.
See incredible pictures of their exciting and challenging adventure, and learn what it takes to capture the almost invisible neutrino, nicknamed the ghost particle.
Speakers' Bios
James Casey
James Casey is from Huntsville, Alabama. Before becoming an IceCube winterover for the 2016-2017 South Pole season, James had completed his PhD in physics at Georgia Tech as a member of the IceCube Collaboration. For his graduate studies, his research focused on neutrinos generated in gamma-ray bursts. Besides physics, he also enjoys amateur radio, general aviation, and scuba diving.
Martin Wolf
Martin Wolf grew up in Germany and was part of the IceCube Collaboration for six years—receiving his PhD in astrophysics—before becoming one of the two IceCube winterovers for the 2016-2017 South Pole season. Photography is one of his personal interests, and you can see his talent from the many wonderful photos he took while at the Pole.
This event is sponsored by IceCube and the School of Physics at Georgia Tech: https://meetings.wipac.wisc.edu/Atlanta2018/Home
Event Details
Date:Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons Room 152
For More Information Contact
Prof. Ignacio Taboada