The discovery of neutrino oscillations has been one of the major advances in our understanding of particle physics in recent times, and we are still trying to fully understand them and the insights they may give to physics at very high energies and perhaps even into the matter-anti-matter asymmetry of the universe. Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments are becoming one of the main tools for the study of neutrinos. The talk will briefly outline the history and physics of neutrino oscillations and long baseline experiments, and then discuss results from the current round of experiments - OPERA, MINOS, and now T2K. I will then discuss what is coming in the near future from existing and under construction experiments, and the exciting new possibilities being opened up by new proposals in the US (and elsewhere).
Event Details
Date:Thursday, December 16, 2010 - 6:00am
Marcus Nanotech Conf.