Our method of nanoscale magnetic sensing and imaging makes use of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers a few nanometers below the surface of a diamond crystal. Using individual NV centers, we perform NMR experiments on single protein molecules, labeled with ^{13}C and ^2H isotopes. In order to achieve single nuclear-spin sensitivity, we use isolated electronic-spin quantum bits (qubits), that are present of the diamond surface, as magnetic resonance "reporters". Their quantum state is coherently manipulated and measured optically via a proximal NV center. This system is used for sensing, coherent coupling, and imaging of individual proton spins on the diamond surface with angstrom resolution. Our approach may enable direct structural imaging of complex molecules that cannot be accessed from bulk studies, and realizes a new platform for probing novel materials, and manipulation of complex spin systems on surfaces.
Event Details
Date:Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 9:00am
Howey L4