As the gravitational wave (GW) observatories get more sensitive, the number of confident detection will grow exponentially. Conventional parameter estimation (PE) algorithms have to use specifically-tuned settings with fast waveform models to estimation parameters on multiple day timescales. As more events get detected and more sophisticated (and slower) models get developed, it will be necessary to speed up the runtime of these analyses. I introduce a rapid PE algorithm: RIFT. This algorithm can estimate parameters of GW events in a shorter time period with slower waveform models as well as with numerical relativity waveforms (NR). In this talk, I will first introduce the methodology to the algorithm as well as tests we have done to check for systematic biases. I will show examples of real and synthetic events with different types of waveforms. I will then present practical applications that the algorithm can be uniquely applied to. Lastly, I will present updates and improvements we are making to the algorithm.
Event Details
Date:Thursday, September 12, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Boggs Building Vizlab 1-44
For More Information Contact
James Clark and Prof. Deirdre Shoemaker