Spring 2020

2022 Stars, Galaxy & Universe A Sowell M,W,F 1010 - 1100 Coll of Computing, 17
2211 Intro Physics I A Darnton M,W,F 1010 - 1100 L1
2211 Intro Physics I B Murray M,W,F 0905 - 0955 L1
2211 Intro Physics I M Shoemaker M,W,F 1220 - 1310 L1
2211 Intro Physics I K Curtis M,W,F 1115 - 1205 L1
2212 Intro Physics II G Jarrio M,W,F 0905 - 0955 Coll of Computing, 16
2212 Intro Physics II P Jiang M,W,F 1220 - 1310 Coll of Computing, 16
2212 Intro Physics II Q Greco M,W,F 1115 - 1205 Coll of Computing, 16
2212 Intro Physics II (IPLS) LS1 Darnton M,W,F 0905 - 0955 Klaus 1447
2212 Intro Physics II (IPLS) LS2 Gumbart M,W,F 1010 - 1100 Klaus 1447
2213 Intro to Modern Physics A Trebino M,W 1630 - 1745 L5
2213 Intro to Modern Physics B Zangwill M,W,F 1010 - 1100 S204
2231 Honors Physics I A Taboada M,W
0905 - 0955
0930 - 1020
2803 Special Topics: Problem Solving in Mechanics A Barker TU,TH 1330 - 1445 S105A
3122 Electro & Magnetostatics A Davidovic M,W.F 0905 - 0955 L5
3123 Electrodynamics A Otte M,W,F 0905 - 0955 S204
3141 Thermodynamics A Rocklin M,W,F 1115 - 1205 L5
3143 Quantum Mechanics I A Scherbakov TU,TH 1200 - 1315 L5
3143 Quantum Mechanics I B Cvitanovic TU,TH 1330 - 1445 S106
3201 Classical Mechanics I A Grigoriev TU,TH 1330 - 1445 L5
3202 Classical Mechanics II A Matsumoto TU,TH 1330 - 1445 S104
3226 Modern Optics Lab A Chapman M,W 1500 - 1655 Boggs 1-12
3250 Physics of Living Systems A Goldman TU,TH
1330 - 1445
1355 - 1640
Boggs 1-17
3266/8814 Computational Physics A Fenton TU,TH 1200 - 1445 S107
3803 Special topics: Applied Particle Optics A Clark M,W,F 1115 - 1205 S204
4142 Statistical Mechanics A Kim M,W,F 1010 - 1100 N210
4143 Quantum Mechanics II A Pustilnik TU,TH 1200 - 1315 S106
4206/8805 Electronics II A First M,W,F
1220 - 1310
1500 - 1745
Boggs 1-18
4261/8833 Atomic Physics A Kennedy M,W,F 1355 - 1445 S204
4262 Solid State Physics A Mourigal M,W,F 1220 - 1310 N210
4321 Advanced Lab I A de Heer TU,TH 1500 - 1815 Boggs 1-11
4322 Advanced Lab II A de Heer TU,TH 1500 - 1815 Boggs 1-11
4347 Fundamentals of Astrophysics A Bogdanovic M,W 1500 - 1615 S204
4601 Senior Seminar I A Gumbart F 1630 - 1720 Bunger Henry 380
4602 Senior Seminar II A Darnton F 1500 - 1550 L5
4802/8802 Special Topics: Physics of Small Systems UZI Landman F 1315 - 1455 S104
4803/8803 Special Topics: When Things Grow Many A Schulman TU,TH 0930 - 1045 Boggs 1-44
6104 Electromagnetism II A Raman M,W,F 0905 - 0955 S104
6106 Quantum Mechanics II A Kindermann TU,TH 0930 - 1045 S104
6107 Statistical Mechanics I A Wiesenfeld M,W,F 1010 - 1100 S106
6211 Condensed Matter Phys II A Jiang M,W,F 1115 - 1205 S104
7129 High-Energy Astrophysics A Ballantyne TU,TH 1200 - 1315 S104

