Quantum Matter and the Entanglement Frontier

Entanglement has recently emerged as an important conceptual tool in quantum many-body physics.  I will explain why we care about entanglement in quantum matter and why we are interested in the physics of highly ntangled quantum states.  I will also show how entanglement has led us to new phases of matter, new ways to characterize phases and phase transitions, novel numerical techniques, and useful conceptual advances. I will conclude with a discussion of the prospects for measuring...

Entanglement has recently emerged as an important conceptual tool in quantum many-body physics.  I will explain why we care about entanglement in quantum matter and why we are interested in the physics of highly ntangled quantum states.  I will also show how entanglement has led us to new phases of matter, new ways to characterize phases and phase transitions, novel numerical techniques, and useful conceptual advances. I will conclude with a discussion of the prospects for measuring entanglement in many-body systems.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, September 4, 2013 - 11:00am

Howey N110