
Physics of Living Systems

The Physics of Living Systems Group in the School of Physics at Georgia Tech seeks to understand how physics can inform questions of structure, function, and dynamics in biological systems, and to study fundamental physics questions posed by biological systems. Faculty associated with the group work on problems in a range of biological length and time scales: from evolution of planetary ecosystems over hundreds of millions of years to locomotion of 10 cm long lizards running on sand at 1 m/sec, to the mechanics of ~20 micron diameter cells and their dynamics on second to minute time scales, to assembly of viruses within 100 msec to the study of how DNA packing influences transcriptional dynamics and activity at the molecular level.

Faculty Members:
Name Research Interests Research Website
Jennifer Curtis Cell biophysics. Cell mechanics of adhesion, migration and dynamics. Immunophysics and immunoengineering. Hyaluronan glycobiology. Hyaluronan... Curtis Lab Website
Flavio Fenton My work is on excitable media, complex systems, and pattern formation, using a combined approach of theory, experiments, and computer simulations.... Lab Website
Daniel Goldman The dynamics of individual and collectives of of organisms and robots on and within complex materials. 
Goldman's research program broadly...
Goldman Lab Website (contains up-to-date info on publications, news, CV, etc)
JC Gumbart Computational simulations of complex biophysical phenomena involving proteins and other biomolecules
Gumbart Lab Website
Harold Kim Single-molecule and single-cell studies of genome architecture.
Harold Kim Lab
Simon Sponberg Neuromechancis, Locomotor Control, Multiscale Physics of Muscle, Maneuverability, Computational Neuroscience
For publications please refer to the...
Sponberg Lab Website
Peter Yunker Nonequilibrium systems, densely packed active matter with life and death events, microbial physics, structural mechanics, fracture mechanics,... Yunker Lab - Soft Matter of Life and Death