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Brian Kennedy
Professor / Associate Chair for Undergraduate Program
theoretical physics, quantum optics, atomic physics
Recent research projects include investigations of the physics of quantum memories and quantum information processing in cold neutral atomic gases, atomic Fermi gas transport in optical lattices, spin squeezing in atomic ensembles and Bose-Einstein condensate mixtures and the role of quantum fluctuations in the temporal break up of spatial solitary waves.
a partial list of recent publications:
F. Bariani, Y. O. Dudin, T. A. B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich:
Dephasing of multiparticle Rydberg excitations for fast entanglement generation
arXiv:1107.3202 (2011)
Y. O. Dudin, A. G. Radnaev, R. Zhao, J. Z. Blumoff, T. A. B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich:
Entanglement of light-shift compensated spin waves with telecom light,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 260502 (2010)
A. G. Radnaev, Y. O. Dudin, R. Zhao, H. H. Jen, S. Jenkins, A. Kuzmich, and T. A. B. Kennedy:
Quantum memory with telecom wavelength conversion,
Nature Phys. 6, 894–899 (2010).
H.H. Jen and T.A.B. Kennedy:
Efficiency of light-frequency conversion in an atomic ensemble,
Phys. Rev. A 73, 042303 (2010).
R. Zhao, S. D. Jenkins, C. J. Campbell, T. Chaneliere, D. N. Matsukevich, T. A. B. Kennedy and A. Kuzmich:
Continuous measurement of a light-matter system
Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications 81, 031802 (2010).
Y. O. Dudin, R. Zhao, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich:
Light storage in a magnetically dressed optical lattice,
Phys Rev. A Rapid Communications 81, 041605 (2010).
S.-Y. Lan, A. G. Radnaev, O. A. Collins, D. N. Matsukevich, T. A. B. Kennedy and A. Kuzmich:
A multiplexed quantum memory,
Optics Express, 17, 13639 (2009).
Y. O. Dudin, S. D. Jenkins, R. Zhao, D. N. Matsukevich, A. Kuzmich, and T. A. B. Kennedy:
Entanglement of a photon and a lattice-based spin wave,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 020505 (2009).
S.-Y. Lan, R. Zhao, S. D. Jenkins, O. A. Collins, Y. O. Dudin, A. G. Radnaev, C. J.Campbell,
D. N. Matsukevich,T. A. B. Kennedy and A. Kuzmich:
Atomic ensemble quantum memories,
Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Atomic Physics, World Scientific, pp. 88-97 (2009).
R. Zhao, Y.O. Dudin. S. D. Jenkins, C. J. Campbell, D. N. Matsukevich, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich:
Long-lived quantum memory,
Nature Physics 5, 100 (2009).
A. Kuzmich and T.A.B. Kennedy:
Cavity QED - photons in a single file,
Nature Physics 3, 219 (2007) News and Views.
O. A. Collins, S. D. Jenkins, A. Kuzmich, and T.A.B. Kennedy:
Multiplexed memory-insensitive quantum repeaters,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 060502 (2007).
S. D. Jenkins, D.N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A.Kuzmich:
Quantum telecommunication with atomic ensembles,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Special issue on quantum communication
and quantum computation 24, 316-323 (2007).
D.N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A.Kuzmich:
Observation of dark-state polariton collapses and revivals,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 033601 (2006).
S. D. Jenkins, D.N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, A. Kuzmich, and T.A.B. Kennedy:
Theory of dark-state polariton collapses and revivals,
Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications 73, 021803(R) (2006).
D.N. Matsukevich, T. Chaneliere, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A.Kuzmich:
Entanglement of remote atomic qubits,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 030405 (2006).
T. Chaneliere, D.N. Matsukevich, S. D. Jenkins, S.-Y. Lan, T.A.B. Kennedy, and A. Kuzmich:
Storage and retrieval of single photons transmitted between remote quantum memories,
Nature 438, 833 (2005).
S.D. Jenkins, D. Salerno, S. Minardi, G. Tamošauskas, T.A.B. Kennedy and P. Di Trapani,
Quantum-noise initiated symmetry breaking of spatial solitons,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 203902 (2005).
T.A.B. Kennedy,
Oscillations of atomic fermions in a one dimensional optical lattice,
Phys. Rev. A 70, 023603 (2004).
A. Kuzmich and T.A.B. Kennedy:
Non-symmetric entanglement of atomic ensembles,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 030407 (2004).